Apply for computing time Oct 16th 2022

NHR > Apply for computing time Oct 16th 2022

Apply for computing time by October 16th 2022

The NHR and HLRN sites NHR@ZIB and NHR@Göttingen are inviting project proposals applying for computing time on the HLRN-IV systems Emmy and Lise.

The next deadline is on October 16th 2022, at 23:59.

Resources are allocated for one year starting on January 1st 2023 on a quarterly basis after review of the project proposal, see Notifications will be sent out around end of December 2022.

We have slightly improved the template for the main and follow-up proposals in order to simplify using the whitelisting option. Instead of NPL you apply for CPU core hours (in steps of 1000) since 2022Q4. You can also apply for GPU resources, which we expect to be available at both sites from Q1.