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Wir freuen uns auf die feierliche Einweihung des HLRN-IV-Supercomputers im Dezember 2019.
Kurs: 25. — 27. November 2019 Parallelization with MPI and OpenMP Göttingen Dozent: Dr. R. Rabenseifner, Stuttgart member of the MPI-2/3/4 forum
Kurs: 19. — 20. November 2019 Node-Level Performance Engineering Göttingen Dozent: Dr.-Ing. J. Eitzinger, Regionales Rechenzentrum Erlangen (RRZE), FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
The operation of the Berlin Cray system Konrad has now been stopped forever, making place for its successor, the HLRN-IV system Lise, which will be available for general user access in December.
The service portal of the HLRN Scientific Board is open for the submission of project proposals. The next deadline is October 28th 2019 at 23:59. Scientists are invited to submit a proposal for a compute project (Großprojekt) to the Scientific Board for the next quarterly review. After successful review, projects start January 1st 2020, see...
Dear HLRN user, This is an announcement regarding the preparation phase of the new HLRN-IV system in Berlin. The schedule has been updated as follows. * The date for the final shutdown of the Cray compute system has changed from October 21st to October 16th, 2019. * Service of the Berlin data migration nodes will...
The annual infrastructure maintenance will be performed at ZIB on Tuesday, September 17, from 8:00 until late afternoon. Some HLRN services will be partially or fully unavailable for ALL users. During that time the Berlin complex Konrad will be fully unavailable. the data migration in Berlin will be interrupted. ZIB may be partially or entirely...
We are happy to announce that the first GPU node went into production in Göttingen today. The node (ggpu01) has the following hardware: 2 x Intel Skylake Gold 6148 CPUs (40 cores per node) 192 GB memory 1 x 480 GB solid-state disk 1 x Intel Omni-Path host fabric adapter 4 x NVIDIA Tesla V100...
Emmy und Lise – Namen für die HLRN-IV-Systeme – Im Dezember 2019 wurde das HLRN-IV-System Phase 1 in Göttingen für die Nutzerinnen und Nutzer in Betrieb genommen. Die Systeme der Phase 2 werden Ende 2019 in Berlin und Göttingen in Betrieb gehen. Der HLRN-Verbund hat Namen der Systeme bekannt gegeben. Das System in Göttingen heißt...
Dear HLRN Users, starting immediately you can and have to migrate your data from the old HLRN-III (Cray) home and work directories to the new HLRN-IV filesystems. After the end of the data migration period on Nov 24, 2019, the old file systems will no longer be available and all data that has not been...
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