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The Scientific Board of the HLRN is inviting project proposals applying for computing time on the HLRN system. The next deadline is January 28th, 2019, at 23:59. Projects that need more computing time than 10,000 NPL resource units per quarter are invited to submit a project proposal (“Großprojektantrag”) to the Scientific Board (“Wissenschaftlicher Ausschuss”) of...
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We are pleased to inform you that from August 26-30, 2019 the Euro-Par 2019 – 25. International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing will be held in Göttingen, hence within the area of the HLRN. This is not only an excellent opportunity for the HLRN to present itself to the public, but also for...
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The first phase of the HLRN-IV system in Göttingen is now open for all HLRN users. Further information: Please check the HLRN-IV pages for documentation. Please also check the list of known issues. Data migrated from the Hannover site in HOME, PERM and WORK (only data registered for migration) is accessible on the Göttingen system....
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Workshop:  08. – 11. Oktober 2018 HLRN-IV Atos User Training Workshop Göttingen Organisatoren: Uni Göttingen, HLRN, Atos SE
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Konferenz und Ausstellung: 24. – 27. Juni 2018 ISC High Performance Frankfurt/Main HLRN Booth #C-1250
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Norddeutsche Wissenschaftler erhalten neuen Supercomputer im HLRN-Verbund Zur Unterstützung der Spitzenforschung beschafft der Norddeutsche Verbund für Hoch- und Höchstleistungsrechnen (HLRN-Verbund) einen neuen Supercomputer, der mit knapp einer Viertelmillion Rechenkerne etwa sechsmal so schnell wie das bisherige System ist. Die Kaufverträge mit Atos in Deutschland wurden heute von den beiden Betreiberzentren Zuse-Institut Berlin (ZIB) und Universität...
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